Cocktails Tangents & Answers Episodes | Antidote 71

Ward Eight Pt. 2 | Antidote 71

Written by Antidote 71 | Sep 26, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Our Thoughts on Inbound 2024

We have returned from Inbound 2024, and during our time there, we recorded an episode sharing all our live thoughts from the conference. Tune in to hear about our hosts' favorite sessions and some entertaining tangents about their week in Boston.

Ward Eight

The Ward Eight, a classic cocktail born in Boston in 1898, was created to celebrate the election of Martin M. Lomasney, a local politician. This rye whiskey-based drink, featuring lemon and orange juices and grenadine, is a twist on the Whiskey Sour. While there are variations in its preparation, the original recipe is said to have originated at the Locke-Ober CafĂ© in Boston's eighth ward. 


  • 2 oz. rye whiskey
  • 5 oz. lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 5 oz. orange juice, freshly squeezed
  • 2 teaspoons grenadine
  • Garnish: 2 or 3 speared cherries


  1. Add the rye whiskey, lemon and orange juices and grenadine to a shaker with ice.
  2. Shake until well-chilled.
  3. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
  4. Garnish with speared cherries.

Recipe credit:

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Episode Transcript:

Rich: Hey, Caitlin, I see you across the room here by, uh, Inbound. How are

Catelin: I am great. I have a backrest. I'm seated, which feels nice. I'm not sitting thigh to thigh with a stranger, which isn't all bad. You know, it's been good to get to know some new people. Um,

Rich: them to get to know them

Catelin: that's fair. That's fair. Uh, I think I must have chosen sessions that were like less generally popular, uh, because I have not had to sit.

Catelin: sit again, thigh to thigh with strangers nearly as

Rich: the last

Catelin: this year as I,

Rich: the last one I was in there were so many open seats and this woman came and sat right between me like our whole row Every other. And she came and sat right next to me and I'm like, and then she wanted to engage

Catelin: not, not with you. No.

Rich: no, I'm sorry. Caitlin is not here and I am not doing this. Um, so I guess we should let people know we are almost live from inbound. We're technically at inbound live right now. But by the time you hear this, it'll be like a week

Catelin: Oh, I was like, we're at inbound. I don't understand what that almost

Rich: Right. But for the people, for Zach, we're live at inbound for the people who listen to this when it actually hits the, the

Catelin: the cloud.

Rich: waves, the clouds, uh, there we're almost live

Catelin: Yes,

Rich: Um, so we have been here absorbing and going to sessions. Uh, my shoulder hurts from carrying my backpack. Um, we've been security check.

Rich: Nobody's been security check more than Jesse every single time he has his bag checked pretty thoroughly. I don't know why, but he looks like someone who's bringing in contraband. Um, But we've done a lot of different sessions and we want to talk about a lot of that. Um, while it's still fresh in our mind today.

Rich: Um, so we would have a cocktail, the cocktails, the word eight, this is a part two. And as you know, when we do a part two, we don't redo the cocktail. So you can go back to part one of this from two weeks ago. Um, since we're doing these weekly now and you can. Check that

Catelin: yeah, the honorary cocktail is the free coffee that is available all day on the expo floor that I've been drinking out of my free HubSpot Yeti that I got for doing a survey. Cheers to a 40, a 40, what is this, thermos? It's a thermos.

Rich: um, yeah, it's the really big Yeti thermos that has the bottle topper

Catelin: 36 ounces.

Rich: and you can get the, um, you can get the straw topper. Oh, the straw topper comes in orange. Caitlin,

Catelin: Great. Everything is orange.

Rich: yeah, we gave a review and like, this was the first day and they ran out of these like

Catelin: Oh yeah, somebody was like, where did you get that? And I was like, like

Rich: they're not there

Catelin: 36

Rich: But you have to, you had to literally show them like on your phone where you had finished the review before they would hand over the Yeti bottle. And the woman's like, those are like 50 bucks. Like, of course, we're making sure you did the

Catelin: She was great though. She was like head to toe. She had beautiful braids. And then she was like head to toe in orange. Like fully branded. It was fantastic.

Rich: She was really

Catelin: Yeah, she was very kind. Kirsten, I think, was her name.

Rich: Yeah, I did service hub. That's what I did my review on. Um, and we used our voice to text features on our iPhones to talk into it. Cause typing was just too much for

Catelin: Yep. Yep.

Rich: Um, okay.

Catelin: So, shout out to the Boston Conference Center hospitality crew for keeping the coffee hot and rolling.

Rich: BCC and I just had a poke bowl and the food, it was really

Catelin: I walked past, like, a quinoa thing that I was interested

Rich: poke was over there

Catelin: Okay. Okay. Okay.

Rich: same kind of area. Um, so we had questions in the beginning, Caitlin. Um, so main stage sessions were your favorite.

Catelin: Oh.

Rich: you're going to say, but you tell me.

Catelin: Okay,

Rich: Oh, wait, I don't know what you're going to say necessarily.

Catelin: you don't?

Rich: I think I have it down to two.

Catelin: um, Kara Swisher on the main stage yesterday at noon was as, like, better than I expected, and the bar was high for me. Like, the only way it could have been better is if I could have actually, like, shaken her hand. But she's insightful and concise and so funny. And, um, Just really aware of how tech is affecting our lives and then also giving people like space and information on how to change that in a meaningful way.

Rich: So that was one of mine that I thought, because like AI has been like, of course the theme, but there's this AI plus humanity, what each do great. And so I thought it could have been Dharmesh because

Catelin: Oh, he's so sweet.

Rich: fangirl and she loves his dad

Catelin: Yeah. He's just like, yeah. Yes.

Rich: talked about the, the balance between humanity and technology, which was really, really nice.

Rich: I also thought it could have been Serena Williams last

Catelin: Well, so the bonus of Serena Williams was that she was being interviewed by Kara Swisher again. So I got like a double dose of Kara, which was awesome. Um, but yeah, I was, I was initially less excited, um, for the, like, I don't get jazzed up about the, like, major celebrity things as much. Um,

Rich: message was so good. It was so not like celebrity ish. I mean, she made fun of herself a little bit like, Oh, I've won, won a couple of awards, like I liked the number one,

Catelin: of medals and it was like, girlfriend? Okay. Uh,

Rich: so I think that she was my favorite.

Catelin: Interesting! I appreciated how, um, curious she presented herself to be. That like, she does not come from So the, the The gist of the talk was like, she has kind of pivoted from being a champion tennis player into a venture capitalist.

Catelin: And what does that look like for her to completely change industry and Um, learn something new and how did she get into that and like what motivates her to do that and so Shifting from kind of one lane of life into another and then how is she, you know being successful at that and like kind of what insight and and tips could she offer to Those of us who don't have a 111 million dollar

Rich: yeah.

Catelin: fund

Rich: So, and yeah, her, her whole philosophy with the fund, um, is that they want to impact the most ordinary people they can. She's out there for the 98%, not the

Catelin: Mm hmm.

Rich: What was fascinating to me is, um, and I get this where she was coming from, um, especially as a black woman, which is very underrepresented in

Catelin: Oh gosh.

Rich: finance in general.

Rich: But like, I'm like, if Like, I mean, I am technically, I guess, an old white guy, but. If you're, you've got all of these people sitting on these boards and like, she's like, I would literally like sit at the company and somebody would just be like, is that Serena Williams? Like should we invite her in? Like, cause she's like, she, she couldn't get into, like, she doesn't get the invite into these old white man clubs that are doing the VC and I'm like, I'm sitting there going, who the hell does not invite Serena Williams into the

Catelin: Well, and I think that was the that was the the vocabulary word that was presented to and it maybe was in the noon Noon session with Kara, but she's like it's not a meritocracy. It's a mirrorocracy where what

Rich: that. We invest in what we look

Catelin: yeah, what, what they see and what they're comfortable with. And, um, you know, it's just like an extension of confirmation bias when you really start to think about it.

Catelin: And,

Rich: Yeah,

Catelin: uh, yeah,

Rich: She was, she was my friend. I also just, I like, I loved Alex, Alexis Ohanian when he spoke, um, a couple of years ago and, um, he was very big on, uh, their daughter and all of that. Um,

Catelin: other favorite session is just the speaker is just leaving right now, so I'm like cheering and woo girling. Yes. Yeah. Yeah

Rich: bag that says the Notorious B. A.

Catelin: Jessica, Adriana, and I all have one of those. Saros gives away the best bags. That's my, that's my second tip. Last year it was, um, Big Bag Energy. Mm

Rich: years ago was I, it's, I think it says I stole this bag. Cause it's what we use for grocery shopping, like at Trader Joe's and stuff. And people love it. Um, no, they do.

Catelin: every year they have the best tote,

Rich: have to go check.

Catelin: Probably.

Rich: So, yeah, so those were really good sessions. I think that they were just eyeopening for me. And honestly, I did Kara Swisher's sense of humor. Like she is just absolutely dry and hilarious, but, and pointed

Catelin: hmm.

Rich: her humor is sharp, like it's like, okay. So the other thing we talked about was what sessions do you feel were underrated?

Rich: And. On this one, it is, I think, yeah, the Kyle Jepson sessions from the HubSpot Academy. Shout out to Kyle. Caitlin caught him and did a quick video and he made a really great

Catelin: yeah so exciting about that.

Rich: ever boarding, right?

Catelin: Yes. Yes, which obviously it's

Rich: waterboarding. It's, it's,

Catelin: Swift Yes.

Rich: So his are named things like things every HubSpot admin should know or troubleshooting for HubSpot admins. So they've got these like kind of boring names, but he's at a huge room, like giant room and it's full and he is pointing you out to every tip and trick and nook and cranny and secret thing inside of HubSpot, like,

Catelin: Well, I think

Rich: knows more about HubSpot than

Catelin: we, yeah, we'll have those guides and things because it was like, you know, property lists and how to audit and where to look for inefficiencies in how you're using HubSpot. It was so remarkable. And I was like, I didn't know that those features were available to me.

Rich: Yeah. And today,

Catelin: I have to go find them.

Rich: today he talked a little bit about the re about reporting, which he struggles with as much as I do. He's like, I'm going to build this report and I'm going to do it wrong. And so if you're sitting out there and you're looking at it and going, what did you do wrong, Kyle? I would have done it the exact same way.

Rich: Um, you're very bad at troubleshooting reporting and you're going to have to learn more about data. And that was me because I'm like, okay, I'm like, I get that it's wrong, but what did you do? And it was, he'd left, he'd filtered on contacts instead of filtering on the form he was looking at. So we had too many forms on it.

Rich: He only wanted one. And so, but he was pointing out how you can actually do some troubleshooting yourself. There's troubleshooting tips now with HubSpot's AI that are in there. Um, But he also, what gets me is, um, when we're doing onboardings and it's, it always makes me feel really bad, but I felt so good.

Rich: Cause he did this too. Like we'll be in

Catelin: Oh yeah. Mhmm.

Rich: I promise you, like, I'm not lying that button was there yesterday. It's moved. Let's go find it. And he was presenting live and went in and he's like, okay.

Rich: Um, that's what this looked like yesterday. Like there's supposed to be more information here. And then

Catelin: for another button. Yeah.

Rich: he's like, he's like, okay. She's like, so there was a button here. He's like, Oh, the button moved. And now it's text over on the right. And it's just nice to see someone who like his job is

Catelin: His job is HubSpot. Like he's,

Rich: his job is

Catelin: he's the Ken of HubSpot. His job is HubSpot.

Rich: His job is HubSpot. My job should be beach. Um, I would love to have a job of beach today. Um, So yeah, his, I think they should, I dunno, I struggle because I don't think they'd be great main stage presentations, but honestly, everybody should see these. Um, I did put in my, so I reviewed him. If you didn't rate him, Caitlin, he forgot to ask.

Rich: And he said, if you can go back and

Catelin: Aww. I would

Rich: I put in, he needs to be, he still needs more time, um, and that these should be recorded. They didn't record any of them and they should be put in HubSpot

Catelin: Or, or, like, redone and put in the academy, you know? Like,

Rich: Yeah, really, really big. So a couple of things that he also pointed out, um, and let's get into some of our other stuff.

Rich: One, we're going to talk a lot about Breeze. Um, which is HubSpot's new AI, and there's multiple pieces to it. There are now in the Academy at the very top, there are four videos that are shorter than 10 minutes that give you an overview of Breeze. And he said, the Academy is starting to do these Academy on the go videos.

Rich: And every single one of them is. Under 10 minutes on a topic. So you don't have to do the three hour certification,

Catelin: Well, and he even says, too, that, like, you know, the inbound certification is great, but it doesn't actually talk about HubSpot.

Rich: right? Well, and some of them do, and some of them don't. I, I kind of like that about it because they're not super salesy.

Catelin: that's true. That's true.

Rich: same thing with sessions that I've been in. Like if they're super salesy, I'm out, I'm done. I had one where they were just

Catelin: come visit my booth, and you're like,

Rich: Yeah. Selling constantly promoted his booth. And then I had another one that was a vendor, but he really presented, uh, Jesse and Jessica were in this one with me too.

Rich: He presented everything in a really, in a way you could do all of it without his company, like theory and information and slides and

Catelin: What was he

Rich: And then. At the very end, it's a, um, uh, an efficient growth community.

Catelin: Okay.

Rich: So it's a community of businesses and people who are trying to accelerate their growth and grow.

Rich: And it's paid and he has courses and he has all this stuff. Uh, it's called pavilion. We'll just shout it out. Um,

Catelin: Pavilion.

Rich: didn't make. He mentioned it, it was on his slides and he talked about it a little bit at the beginning, but he didn't even say anything until the end. And then it was go check out these free resources that we

Catelin: Oh, okay,

Rich: and then join if you want to.

Rich: And I'm like, okay, that works. That works

Catelin: so nice.

Rich: Um, okay. Food is important to us. Caitlin, thank you for it. Was it cantina Italiana? Is that what it was?

Catelin: yes, it was and still is the oldest restaurant in Little Italy been there since was it 1931

Rich: Yep. And it was really good. And then one that Zach would have

Catelin: oh my gosh,

Rich: shore shore

Catelin: sure leave was a recommendation from my in home bartender and Did not disappoint.

Rich: it's basically a speakeasy Tiki bar, sushi restaurant, like all in one. And then they also have another one. I can't remember the name of it. That's at the back of the back of the

Catelin: I know I can't remember it either knows it no reservation.

Rich: no, it's something like that, but it's, uh, it seats 10 people. The waiting list is really long, but it's all omakase.

Rich: So, which if you aren't familiar with that, it just means you eat whatever the hell they

Catelin: first choice

Rich: And I feel like Zach would do that. Cause Zach's an adventurous eater.

Catelin: Yeah, Jessica was like, that's my nightmare. And I'm like,

Rich: yeah, she was when we, when we sat down, I was tired. I was overwhelmed. I'm like, they just bring us food and we'll eat it. And I'm like, that's literally

Catelin: That's the whole, that's the whole restaurant in the back.

Rich: yeah. And I've done a couple of those. I did an Indian one, so I don't know what they call it, but, um, it was a chef's table and it was really good. And there were things in there that I normally wouldn't eat, but I tried them because the chef said they were

Catelin: and when they prepare things like well, and they know what they're doing and they're like designing a whole menu, it's awesome. Almost universally always good, so yeah. I don't know. I don't know

Rich: right. So

Catelin: if you could tell, but she's lacking in sleep.

Rich: I know I am still pretty jazzed. I, so I did go to bed early. I ate at the hotel, which was a little rough. Um, but went up to bed, watched an episode of the circle and I was like lights out eyes closed by like

Catelin: Oh, I didn't get back to our room until like midnight last

Rich: Well, because you bought a ticket to a comedian at. For a 10 p. m. show.

Catelin: No regrets. No regrets.

Rich: Alright, good, good, good. Um,

Catelin: and the theater was gorgeous.

Rich: oh yeah, the theaters out here are

Catelin: yeah, like, I just, I sent a picture to Tyrell and I was like, this theater puts the Orpheum to shame, which is really saying something because I think the Orpheum Theater in Sioux City is like, one of the rarest gems in

Rich: It is, I mean, especially for there. I mean, the Orpheum in Omaha is really nice, too. Um, okay, so we gotta get into things. I mean, no, like, I think the Orpheum in Sioux City is wonderful. I was born there. Like, well, I wasn't born in the Orpheum.

Catelin: You were born in the Orpheum Theater. That's why they had to replace all the carpet.

Rich: jeez,

Catelin: I'm so tired.

Rich: In 1971, this carpet was ruined by a sudden birth. Uh, no, I was born at St. Luke's. Um, Okay, so things we need to discuss and try to hit on in the next 13 minutes to stay on time for Zach. Breeze and all three such pieces of Breeze, um, not in the notes, but I want to touch on case studies because that blew me away when I saw that demo.

Rich: Um, And then, uh, video remix was also freaking crazy. Editing a video by editing the script or the transcript. So insane. Zach is like loving that one and excited for it. Um, okay, so let's talk about breeze Caitlin. There's three breezes, right? Three parts to breeze,

Catelin: and

Rich: breeze pilot.

Catelin: which is included in every tier all free Or yeah, I mean, it's not really it's not free But it's included

Rich: It's included with your subscription to any, any

Catelin: and I think that I think they said that starts on the free version as well

Rich: there's some, it's the capabilities of what it can do will vary depending on which hub you have. Like it's not going to write cold sales emails if you don't have sales

Catelin: Right, right.

Rich: that's, you know, that thing. But if you have marketing hub, it'll help you write marketing emails. Um, the thing I liked about it and they're talking about like how it can help you generate content and all of that, which is really great.

Rich: Um, And you can give it like, um, one piece of content, I guess that's more content remix, but breeze is doing it. You can give it one piece of content and it'll make other pieces of content out of that for you. What I loved about it is that it will do the mundane bullshit tasks that nobody wants to do. We get our E for this episode.

Rich: Um, Like for me, it was, I would, and I asked the question specifically, I said, so if I record a zoom call with a client, will it summarize everything on the call, pull out bullet, bullet points of action items and email that to my client without me really doing anything. And they're like, well, you have to do something and you have to go to the call record as long as that call was brought into HubSpot through the zoom integration, which it should be.

Rich: If you've got that set up, if not, we can help you do that. Um, You go to the call record and there's literally a summarize button.

Catelin: a little like four point star. And if you click summarize, and it'll be done. And then all you do is like, you can save it to their contact record, or you could email it to them as like a conference

Rich: can,

Catelin: which is what

Rich: you can add it to the meeting as a note, and then you can email it to them, which is great. Cause I hate doing that.

Catelin: I do too. I'm bad at it.

Rich: All those reports. So, um, co pilot can also do like, um, can do emails for you. It can produce content for you. It can suggest responses. It's really, um, if you've used AI or seen any of the automations, like, I mean, This stuff is kind of all over the place.

Rich: It used to be chat spot. So it's, it is literally the chat spot is rebranded

Catelin: Is, she's got a new name, and a cute little gradient

Rich: and the button is even in the same place as where chat spot was. It's just that earlier this week, that switched to say

Catelin: Yeah.

Rich: um, So let's jump to breeze intelligence next because I think this is the next simple one.

Catelin: record enhancement? I don't have any notes in front

Rich: Yes. So breeze

Catelin: doing this all from memory.

Rich: um, breeze intelligence is, uh, the direct result of the clear bit acquisition that HubSpot did.

Rich: Um, and so HubSpot insights where it's, you type in like a domain for a company and it pulls information that it can, all of that has been powered by copilot for a very long

Catelin: Powered by, powered by Clearbit.

Rich: Probably Clearbit. Sorry. Yeah. Clearbit. Too many, too many C's and it's things. Um, but what they've done now is now that they own all of that, they own Clearbit.

Rich: Um, that's all kind of amped up and it's become breeze intelligence. And this is a paid feature on top of whatever hub you have. Um, but it takes first party and third party data that HubSpot knows. Cause obviously there's millions of companies in HubSpot and then data from the Clearbit database, which was 200 million companies around the country, around the world, excuse me.

Rich: Um, and it pulls all of that data into your, um,

Catelin: Records.

Rich: your CRM records. Um, so a couple of other things it can do is, uh, if you have a form that has 72 fields, God help you. If you do, um,

Catelin: that. However,

Rich: when somebody comes to the website, it's going to present them with the email field. When they put their email in there, it's only going to show them fields that it Can't populate with breeze intelligence.

Rich: So it's going to instantly try to populate like company name, industry, job title, phone number, all of those things, anything that it can't, it's going to show. So it might show them five fields, but things like first name, last name, it's going to do that. So also when people enter their email address and you don't get their first name, last name, if it's a work email address, odds are it's going to pull in their first name, last name, if you're paying for this.

Rich: So it's, um, If you go into your hub and you go to hubspot. com slash pricing while you're logged in at the add ons at the very bottom is where the breeze stuff is. Um, and so breeze intelligence is, um,

Catelin: Token based.

Rich: it is token based by how many records you enrich. So one contact record, one token, one deal record, one token, one company record, one token.

Rich: Um,

Catelin: of the benefits is that once you enrich a record, they will continually update that until or if you don't interrupt that. So like if, um, we'll just use first name as an example, like if someone's full name is Jonathan, but they, they, you enrich the record and it fills in Jonathan, but you interrupt it and say, this person's preferred name is John.

Catelin: Uh, they, they won't like overwrite your data, but if, um, the company's like market value changes or their employee number, number of employees

Rich: they move their address

Catelin: yes, yep, um, it will scrape new data and populate that in your record. So once you pay for the, the data. The record enrichment, um, it's continuous unless

Rich: will continue to enrich,

Catelin: Yup.

Rich: um, which is really great. Cause like we have, I think we have like 1400 or 1500 contacts in our database. A lot of those are junk, so we could actually do the 30 a month, which is a hundred credits and in less than a year, we'd have our whole database pretty much enriched, and then it's going to keep enriching.

Rich: You can also have it enrich new records as they come in. Um, the credits don't roll over. So it's 30 bucks a month for a hundred credits, one 50 for a. Thousand credits. And I remember there's another bigger one too. Um, but they don't roll over. So

Catelin: Use them or lose

Rich: marketing contacts, like we go in and if at the end of every month, you should check your marketing contacts, of course, before it rolls over, same thing with the breeze intelligence credits.

Rich: If you've got like 15 credits left and you haven't used them and it's the last day of your cycle, because I believe that one is on your billing cycle for your, um, your hub, not. A monthly, a calendar month. Um, then go in and just grab 10 random records and enrich them. You might as well. They're going to keep getting enriched.

Rich: So you don't lose those

Catelin: and you only pay. You only pay if they are enriched. So if it can't find any new data, or doesn't, um, doesn't update, you, you don't pay for that.

Rich: And so that one is, um, it's really cool. And I mean, I'm thinking that, yeah, we're probably going to do that. Cause I would like to get more data. Um, Um, on some of the prospects that we're looking at as we ramp up our marketing. Um, okay. So the last one, our breeze agents, um, Oh, you can also pay a one time fee with breeze intelligence to do your entire 5, 000.

Rich: We'll do your entire yep. All of your contacts and companies. So if you've got a really big database, that's a really great way to do that. And then if you've got like 500 people being added every month or whatever, you could do the thousand tier and you'd be

Catelin: mhm,

Rich: Um, so that is an option. I was very confused about what you had to pay 5, 000.

Rich: I thought it was like to turn on agents or something. And it's like, no, no,

Catelin: no, no. No, no, honey. No, no.

Rich: So the breeze agents are, um, Dharmesh explain them as think of them as a. Like. Robot part of your team almost. Um, so they actually can do things semi autonomously, uh, in your hub. Um, so the sales agent was the coolest one that I thought.

Rich: Um, and all of the agents you can turn on, so they do things, but they, they. They create things for you to review and approve, and then you make them live. Or you can, you can put them in full autonomous mode and just let them go. The recommendation,

Catelin: I wouldn't recommend that to start. Let them

Rich: the recommendation for

Catelin: and your business before you.

Rich: So with sales agents, for instance, you can give them like five or six contacts and you can say, uh, do personalized outreach to them.

Rich: To try to get them to schedule a meeting. It's going to grab your meeting link and it's going to create a series of emails to try to go to them to, um, get them to schedule that meeting. It's going to look at all the data that it has. Another reason to use breeze intelligence for enrichment. Um, all the data you have on them, it's going to look at their website.

Rich: It's going to look at their LinkedIn profile, whatever public information it can find on them and create those emails for you. And so the recommendation is like, so yeah, you can do that and you can do it in bulk. You can do it for 50 people, 200 people. Like it's crazy, but the recommendation is let it create them.

Rich: You're going to have this nice screen where it shows you. These are the emails I'm going to send. Read those. Do they feel right? Do they feel like you, you can edit them.

Catelin: I would say. No, that's not really something I would say.

Rich: You can change the tone. I want this one to be friendly. I want this one to be, you know, business casual, whatever. Um, and when you get to a point where you're constantly like, yeah, these are really great.

Rich: I'm not tweaking anymore because it's learning, right? It's, it's iterative. Um, it's AI. Then, Let it go on autonomous mode. And you're just going to have like, as leads come in, things are going to go out and stuff will happen and meetings will get scheduled and you'll be good to go. Um, so that's one of the four agents.

Rich: They have a service agent, also a content agent and a social media agent. Um, and I know they weren't all live as of yesterday. There's two that are live in two that are coming. I believe content is live.

Catelin: I, yeah. Yes, because there, there was content iteration available previously, so. Yeah,

Rich: the content remix is kind of the content agent does that. So, um, all right, we're, we're almost out of time.

Catelin: Talk faster, man.

Rich: so two other things that I love. So one, I love that they updated sequences so you can have a branch now. So you can have sort of two sequences happening in a row while you're waiting for the, The second step in branch one, you can have a second branch that is like, call this person, do this thing, whatever, um, have to dig into that.

Rich: Just saw a very fast demo of it. Nobody's really gone into it. Um, so that's cool. But one of my favorites and one of Zach's favorites I know is video remix. So. You can take a 30 minute interview, testimonial with a client, dump it into HubSpot and tell it to cut it down into three minute videos. And it's going to go in and look for first, it's going to transcribe it.

Rich: Then it's going to look at where those. Pieces should let logically be cut based on the video content. The blow my mind away came when that's done, you'll have the transcript and the clip, and you can edit the video clip by editing the transcript. If you delete the last sentence of the transcript, it's going to cut the video clip before that sentence.

Rich: So all of this scrubbing that you do editing video to try to get it to stop between two words, you can literally just delete that. That and it's going to delete it. Now, I don't know what happens if you delete something in the middle of the video, like, does it just cut or does it try to make it work? But,

Catelin: though, doesn't it?

Rich: um, but yeah, the example they used was it had wrapped up one feature and the neck, the last sentence of the paragraph was like something like, so let's explore these features in more depth.

Rich: Well, if that's going to stand alone as its own video, you're, that doesn't make sense. So they just deleted that sentence and the video ends with the one feature they explored. I mean, there's so much, so there's over 200 updates. Um, hubspot. com slash spotlight is where you could find all of those. Um, and we'll make sure Zach will put that in the comments and in the blog post for this and all that.

Rich: Um, but Oh my God, Caitlin, my mind is

Catelin: I know. I, like, hearing you talk about it is making me more tired and then also more excited to get back to the office and, like, start playing with stuff.

Rich: Oh yeah, right. Remember when I was like, I don't even want to

Catelin: I know, I do.

Rich: going. And now look at my energy. Look at my excitement. And you're

Catelin: proud of you. We've, we've inverse, yes, inverse conferenced, but

Rich: right. So

Catelin: Levels of excitement and level of energy at the end of the day, I think is indicative of a good time. And like I'm exhausted because I did a lot of things. I did a ton of walking. I've learned a ton of new things and you are excited because of the same reason.

Catelin: So I think that's

Rich: I walked four and a half miles yesterday.

Catelin: Wow.

Rich: I closed all of my rings on my Apple watch to the point where my Apple watch was like, what are you doing? Like what? I don't understand.

Catelin: might die.

Rich: right. So, um, we talked about some great stuff. Um, got into our assumptions and some really cool things that happened, got into all three kind of elements of breeze.

Rich: We talked about video remix. We talked about sequences. Uh, we didn't even get into like, um, deep fake videos, which we'll talk about that in another one. Um, I have learned so much about that and there are, there are rules around it, Caitlin. You have to have a release from anybody you create an

Catelin: Oh, okay.

Rich: So no creating Taylor Swift

Catelin: so you can't create me without my express consent.

Rich: Much to my chagrin. I can't have you say things that you would never say in an avatar because that would be, it would be really rude. I would never do

Catelin: I know you wouldn't, but

Rich: Um, so yeah, we've got an upcoming episode. Um, we're going to do inbound marketing basics. We actually have a webinar on this as well. Um, and a how to guide.

Rich: So that aligns with our other content, which is best practice, right? You've got some content, align other content with that content, tie them all together. Um, and. The drink is apples and pears, which sounds like a weird, dumb child drink, but I'm guessing it's got booze in it. So it's not a child drink.

Catelin: it's for the fall.

Rich: Ooh, I had a really good drink.

Rich: I need to get Zach the recipe for that.

Catelin: more tangents, honey. We're

Rich: sorry, sorry.

Catelin: as always, you can

Rich: it was an Anjou,

Catelin: was gonna say it was an, it was. Because that's

Rich: um, basically. Basically a French 75 with pear vodka and lemon juice in it. It was so good.

Catelin: Yeah.

Rich: Caitlin, you want to roll this out?

Catelin: uh, you can find our agency at antidote underscore 71, and as always, you can leave us a message on our hotline, and I don't know that number because I don't have it in front of me,

Rich: It is 4 0 2 7 1 8 9 9 7 1.

Catelin: I knew that last part. Uh, we'd love to hear from you. If you were at Inbound, you should drop us a message.

Catelin: We would, uh, we'd love to chat. I've made some really good connections with folks and I'm excited to, uh, to take those home with me too.

Rich: All right. So we'll see you next week because we're insane and doing these weekly now. So, uh, have fun and we'll learn what apples and pears

Catelin: stop. It's gonna be great. See you then.