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48 - Mastering Consistency: Brand vs. Social Media Identity

Mastering Consistency 

In this episode, Megan will share her extensive knowledge of branding and social media and provide valuable insights and strategies on how to integrate these two components seamlessly. She will explain how to align branding efforts with social media initiatives to create a cohesive and impactful online presence.


This week, we're sharing a cocktail recipe that Megan absolutely loves. She had it at Fizzys in Omaha, and while the ingredients are listed on the menu, the recipe itself isn't public. We've tried our best to guess how they make it, but ultimately it's a sophisticated and alcoholic version of a mint chocolate milkshake. 


  • 5 oz. Gin
  • 1 Mint Sprig
  • .25 oz. Thinly Chopped Chocolate
  • 50 oz Branca Menta .
  • 2 scoops Coneflower Vanilla Ice Cream


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender pitcher. 
  2. Blend on low speed until smooth. 
  3. Pour into an old-fashioned soda glass or a tall mug. 
  4. Garnish with a mint sprig and serve with a straw.

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Episode Transcript:

Catelin: Oh, hey there. We're back.

Rich: Hey, Caitlin. Uh, yeah, we're back. It's wonderful. So, welcome back to Cocktails, Tangents, and Answers. I've been listening to a lot of podcasts. And they generally always say the name of the podcast at the beginning. And I'm like, oh crap, we should probably do that. A lot of them have really standard openings and I'm kind of glad we don't.

Rich: Um, I was listening to one the other day and they did their standard, like, you know, welcome to this podcast. And I'm so and so yeah. But then they like had a break and they were like, um, I don't, I don't, I don't really have any banter today. And the other is like, I don't. I don't either. And it feels weird and awkward and it's now awkward for everybody.

Rich: And so they're like, well, then let's just, let's just jump into the news. And they jumped into their news, which is one of their first segments. And I was like, Oh my God, no banter, no banter, no banter. We would die.

Catelin: That's all I, that's all I come for. I can't, I'm not actually smart at anything else.

Rich: You're smart at a lot of things.

Rich: All right. So today, four, you can name four things

Catelin: that

Rich: you're smart

Catelin: at. It's like smart ass, smart Alec. No, I was going to say,

Rich: um, you're smart at Jen. Um, you know a lot about Jen. Um, you are smart at different things in HubSpot than I'm smart at. You've gotten really good with a lot of things there. Um, You are smart at, I don't know if it's smart, but, uh, empathy.

Rich: and compassion. Um, those are more qualities, I guess, than you're smart at them, but you know how to do that. And a lot of

Catelin: emotional intelligence. I'm intelligent at emotions.

Rich: There we go. What I really wanted to

Catelin: do is just like parlay this into a compliment corner for me. So thank you for indulging me.

Rich: Check. We have managed to do that. So, um,

Catelin: yes, I think if I was gonna, if I was going to emulate one quality of yours, it would be, um, your ability to just say the thing, like when, when people get sassy to you, you're like, Oh no, no, thank you. And then you just say, that's not how we're doing this. And then every time you do it, I'm like, Why'd you yell at them?

Catelin: And you're like, I didn't yell at them. I just said the thing. I'm like, you did just say the thing. I'm very, I'm very aware. So, that's all.

Rich: Well, somebody who did not need that this week was Megan, uh, Megan Kyle, who is with us today as our guest. She did a rock solid job of balancing creativity and simplicity in a presentation redo that she did.

Rich: Megan. Uh, with virtually no guidance and I know that because I'm the one who gave her virtually no guidance. Um, um, I just said I want it organized better and it needs to be in sections and it needs to be prettier. And I looked at it yesterday and I was really blown away. So I did compliment her, um, was this as well

Catelin: for one of our, one of our funnel organizations cause I haven't reviewed that yet and I'm really, uh, it is,

Rich: it is for one of your clients actually.

Rich: Yes, I just saw the comment. Back it into a template, which is great. And then, uh, I was also like, how fast could she redo this other one that we're meeting with somebody about on Friday? Cause now I want all the templates redone because I've seen the pretty thing. So, and she dangled the

Catelin: carrot.

Rich: Oddly enough, that ties in a little bit to our topic.

Rich: So, right. Like your brand versus your social media brand. And this is really our brand versus our PowerPoint brand, which should be the same and the app. Answer for social media is generally that they should be, but what differences are there and where should you stick to brand standards and where should you have the freedom to maybe bend your brand standards or go outside of them?

Rich: So Megan does this a ton for us and for our clients. Um, she's been really great and she's also a stickler for consistency and looking like you're supposed to look. Um, which is why I'm very thrilled to have her here today. So. So that's going to happen. Um, but before that happens, I think we need to have a cocktail.

Rich: And I am excited about this one.

Catelin: I know you're so excited about it that you couldn't stop talking about it last time.

Rich: I know Well, we've tried to record this like three or four times and I've been like waiting to talk about this cocktail

Catelin: You haven't been waiting though. You've been talking about I have been you're right.

Catelin: I'm

Rich: very bad at waiting So what's really fun is this is an old school cocktail like

Catelin: this is like 50s Like after dinner dessert drink for sure. And then

Rich: in the seventies, when I grew up, you know, back in the 1900s, um, we, it was a pie as well. So it was a boozy like whipped cream pie with, uh, I think it was like a I'm pretty sure it was a chocolate crust, like crushed chocolate cookies or something.

Rich: Like Oreo

Catelin: crust. And then I always just picture the little, the little shaved Oh, the chocolate shavings. I had to learn how to do that.

Rich: I probably learned how to do that when I was like six or seven. Which is a skill. For your grasshopper pie. Yep. That's a skill you can take with you. All right. So the drink is the grasshopper.

Rich: I don't know if we've said that yet. Um, not this

Catelin: time. We haven't,

Rich: I'll give a little background and then you can tell us how the heck you make this thing. But Megan had this one at Fizzy's in Omaha. So I am super excited. Um, she was not born in the 1900s. We'll just leave it there. Um, she's one of our younger employees, but she's really good at what she does.

Rich: And anytime she tries like a classic old school thing. I just get excited because my old man is just like, I'm just, my old man game is strong this year. So um, At Fizzy's, they've got the ingredients on their menu, but they haven't actually disclosed exactly how it's done. So Zach did a little sleuthing to try to reverse engineer this one.

Catelin: Um,

Rich: and so we got our best guess at how this works. And there are honestly a whole bunch of different, uh, recipes for what is a grasshopper. Yeah. Um, but it's really that, um, that, that cream to mint or that mint liqueur is the key to it. Um, and then you can upscale it to make it as milkshake y or as not milkshake y as you want to.

Rich: So how would we make this to try to mimic that? What did Zach tell us? Well, take it away.

Catelin: We're going to find out. An ounce and a half of gin, a couple sprigs of mint, uh, Let's see, a quarter ounce of thinly chopped chocolate, a half ounce of Branca Menta. I think that's like the creme de menthe. Oh, yeah. And then two scoops of coneflower vanilla ice cream.

Catelin: Um, I'm assuming coneflower is a brand I'm not familiar with. It is.

Rich: It's an ice cream shop in Omaha and Omaha. . Got it. Like all the little craft bars and craft ice cream and everything, they like to support each other, which is one of the things I love. That's very cute. I mean, every community should do that, but I would suggest, um, for the sake of my brother's paycheck that you use, I know.

Rich: I was like, it would be wells on flour. It would be Well's Blue Bunny, and I would use the, um, like the vanilla bean. I wouldn't use French vanilla for this. Interesting. This, I think that's gonna be really off. Um,

Catelin: I have done some. Some of my own taste testing I prefer the homemade vanilla

Rich: That's a good one

Catelin: recipe as opposed to the standard vanilla.

Catelin: I don't know what the difference is I don't know what the difference is, but I, that's what I prefer. Um, yep. Anyway, you combine all of these ingredients in a blender and then, uh, blend until smooth. And then, um, if you've got like an old fuse, like I need a milkshake with, with gin in it, uh, pour into an old fashioned soda glass, which I love, like a cute little, I can see it like the Coca Cola kind of like, right.

Catelin: Or a tall mug. Garnish with some mint and, uh, serve with a straw, preferably reusable, like a little stainless steel straw or maybe a paper version.

Rich: Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, and again, that comes from Fizzy's in Omaha, um, over there in Little Bohemia, across from our bank, actually. Um. Although they did not give us the recipe, we extrapolated the recipe based on what we think it probably is and how these are generally made.

Rich: So, um, I have not made this one yet as much as I've talked about it, but like I said And that's shocking

Catelin: to me.

Rich: I mean I could go buy coneflower on the way home except there's always a huge line like anytime you go There's a huge line, which is great because their ice cream is really great Um, but I don't think we have like the one thing we don't have we don't have any broccamento or any kind of creme de menthe um liqueur in our uh stash I could also probably drop by Wall to wall wine and spirits and pick that up as well uh Yeah

Catelin: It's just, it's like we haven't bought groceries in like a week and a half because I've been gone.

Catelin: And so then I'm like, maybe I just want a milkshake for dinner because I'm an adult and I can make those kinds of choices for myself. It's very dangerous.

Rich: And you can use this with like a spearmint or whatever extract instead of the brachymenta and give it to your child because you probably don't want her to have a creamed mint though.

Rich: I will tell you. I was like I'd probably have to leave the

Catelin: gin out too

Rich: if I, Oh, maybe, yes, maybe that gin, um, you would want to leave out too, I guess. Um, true, true. Just a thought. Do not, uh, do not go to Caitlin's house. She's not feeding her child gin. Um. Um. In the seventies though, and I'm old enough to say this now, and I'm sure the statute of limitations has, uh, worn out.

Rich: When you make the pie, you use the booze in the pie. And it's a cold pie that is never, ever baked. Um, and so it's still a little bit boozy and we kids were able to have, like, it was like an eighth of a normal slice. We got a very small slice, but we thought we were just, Do you think that's part

Catelin: of, do you think that's part of why you like it so much?

Catelin: It was like extra special. Oh, a hundred percent.

Rich: And it was, we always did it at my aunt's house, uh, in Sargent Bluff out on their farm. And it was just one of those things that I associate like with her and with that time in my life and growing up. And I'm not a huge dessert person, but that dessert, it's so rich and over the top and the chocolate and the mint.

Rich: Oh, so great. I could go on. We could just make the whole episode about the grasshopper. Uh, here's the thing is

Catelin: like, yeah, he said, get, wrap it up. I do love a mint Oreo blizzard. So, which I feel like it's the same.

Rich: It is. I feel like Zach is channeling the, um, the grasshopper cocktail in his attire today, his headphones are green and black, his shirt is green and black.

Rich: His chair is even green. Like that is. Yeah, his hair isn't green. Go for the green hair, Zach. I want to see some green hair. Um, maybe not. He's shaking his head no. And he had a little echo, so he's not going to cut in on us. But he does want us to wrap up the intro. Do

Catelin: you know what Zach is right now? Zach is brand consistent with this podcast.

Rich: He is brand consistent with the Grasshopper and the podcast.

Catelin: Yeah. So I think with that, we should, uh, we should get to Megan. I think we should get to

Rich: Megan. Sounds good.

Rich: And we're back. And we've got Megan. Hi, Megan. Hello. Hopefully you, uh, you don't find the introduction embarrassing, but we. She's our, she's our baby

Catelin: Maggie.

Rich: Um, and also kind of. We love her.

Catelin: But

Rich: that's okay. Um, so Megan branding and social media.

Megan: Okay, well, especially with things like tools like Canva and things like that, a lot of people are being able to take their own, you know, social media into their own hands and not have to hire an agency or they'll have, you know, someone being able to create content a lot easier, which is really great about those tools.

Megan: But there's also things like, oh, hey, I love this template, but it has nothing to do with my brand. Doesn't look like my brand. And when I post it, people are like, who is this? Like, I don't recognize this brand at all. Um, so there's a lot of, there's a really, really fine balance that a lot of people aren't aware of.

Megan: So. When those tools are really helpful for producing content, especially, you know, for smaller businesses that don't necessarily have the budget to hire outside help for their social media. It's also things that like, they have to be taught, I think a little bit in order to have that brand integrity, because a lot of the things, um, that we're seeing in terms of like, Social media nowadays is there's an inconsistent branded look for photos So, you know, like I said, the templates don't include your brand and colors or your branded text or just things don't feel Necessarily related to all the other content that you're putting out and it looks a little bit disjointed as a representation of your brand so

Rich: I would say it's like that restaurant that has like all the plates are different except they didn't do it on purpose.

Rich: They just did it because they were cheap and those were the plates they could get and it doesn't make sense because like hodgepodge can make sense as a brand depending on who you are. Achieving that balance is

Catelin: really tough. We tried to do some mismatched things in our home decor and it just ended up looking like junkie.

Catelin: Because it wasn't like curating that kind of aesthetic takes sometimes more work than doing it consistently, like following it. You know what I mean? Which is like why it's so important to be strategic and not rigid, but like follow the rules that someone who's smarter than you has created, which is why I just do whatever Megan says.

Rich: Yeah. And that's one of the things that I'm always big on. And I know we do this and you've worked on a couple brand guidelines for folks is having those photos in there, like examples of photos. Like the first time I did this with a company, they were like, what? And I was like, no, like, are they, first of all, are they observational photos or are they like, um, Like, I'm posed for it.

Rich: Like, is it like, I just happened by and it's editorial and I captured it? Which is always my favorite because it just feels a little more genuine. Or is it something where people are looking at the camera and they are aware, like, that they're being, you know, photographed and that type of thing. And they're like, I didn't even know those were two different things.

Rich: I'm like, oh God, here we go.

Megan: That's the thing, I think, Rich in your um, like kind of metaphor that really hits on when you're more intentional And you put more thought behind your content. It feels more authentic When you're more consistent with your brand people recognize it and they're like, yeah I this is this is the brand that I have come to known But when it's like caitlin kind of said when it's more of a like hodgepodge Collection of different posts or templates that people have created and put together.

Megan: It just feels sloppy And that's not necessarily how you want your brand to come across and it's not just with You know the style of brand like In terms of like the photos or templates that they're using. It's also, you know Copywriting does the tone or the voice match the brand persona that you've kind of created a lot of people and Um, and again, like a lot of people aren't necessarily copywriters.

Megan: Like, luckily we have a few amazing ones at antidote that we can turn to, but, um, people who don't have that, if you don't put the intention behind it, it can get kind of, again, like a little bit disjointed from your regular brand.

Rich: Yeah. And I, I started as a writer and it can take a lot to get that voice of another client and to shift from one to another.

Rich: But if you, but you can define it, like you can write down what you sound like, just like you can, if they're a person, um, and yeah, it's, especially when you've got like text only, like if you're looking at, you know, either a Twitter or even a Facebook where it's text heavy, sometimes, um, those things have to work together.

Rich: What about like, and this is my biggest pet peeve. I'm looking at our discussion notes, but, um, and one of the things we do in audit, the first thing we look at is their profiles and consistency.

Megan: I was just going to say, I just did a social audit for a potential client, um, the other day. And one of the biggest things, um, in terms of like, Uh, the scoring on there is profile setup and like the branding and so what that would kind of entail, at least in our terms, is do you have a profile picture?

Megan: Is it kind of the same across your social platforms? Do you have a banner, like a hero image? Is that, you know, telling who your brand is and like an aesthetic and like an authentic way that's kind of either, you know, uh, evoking emotion or kind of using that, um, real estate to do a call to action or something.

Megan: Um, and then another one which I guess I didn't realize how many people are, don't fill it out, but like the about sections on like Facebook or like Twitter, it's maybe like two or three words. And then I'm like, you have so much potential to put that in there. That's, that's where people go to learn more about your brand.

Rich: And Google looks at that. That's going to show up in your Google search results. Like don't leave a blank. That's just terrible.

Megan: But essentially all of those things should be consistent across your platform. So no matter, um, what. If you are, if your consumer is going on Facebook to your profile, or if they're going on Instagram, or if you have TikTok, like it should all feel the same.

Megan: I mean, there are a little bit of nuanced, um, things that, you know, based on the platform that I think should be a little bit different, but in terms of like branding, that should all really read as true to what your brand has, um, kind of positioned itself as.

Catelin: Well, and it's like, just, it's, it's. owned media, right?

Catelin: Like you don't have to do anything to get that. Like you don't have to rely on anyone else to make sure at least that like bare minimum stuff is consistent. And, um, it's just, yeah, it, it's such a missed opportunity when folks don't have that filled out.

Rich: Yeah, I think so too. Like, it's just, um, It's your face to the world.

Rich: It's like having a storefront and not bothering to put your sign on the door.

Catelin: Like,

Rich: you know, come on, how hard is that? Um, let me ask you a quick question though, since we're on like branding and, uh, profile pictures and things like that. So, um, obviously most people, a logo is a profile picture for business makes the most sense because then I know it's you consistent across platforms.

Rich: I know it feels like you. How do you feel about things like taking, a white version of our logo or a black version of our logo and putting it On a green background for st. Patrick's day and on a red background for valentine's day and all of that

Megan: I think I mean obviously social media the purpose of it is supposed to be like kind of fun Like it's not as serious as I think some businesses take it and I think they're really lacking like What the true purpose of social media is I think it you know, it should be flexible and that's what brands are you know made for what's obviously like Having a brand guideline is really useful in those kind of things to like see what in terms of like contrast ratios Or like what is accessible?

Megan: Um and putting your logo on things. Um, so I think you know in terms of flexibility and just like using social media for its purpose um I think it's really particular about situations because I think if that content makes sense for your brand, um, there's a way to kind of go about it, whether that's including, you know, just, um, a little icon of your logo or your full logo, but reducing it more to like, um, a smaller piece and letting more of the photo speak for itself or something like that, but Um, I don't feel like the green light to go crazy

Rich: Yeah, I would agree.

Rich: So I think you said something really key there like if it fits your brand Um, and that's really about knowing who you are Um, I remember gosh, it's been a few a little while but like people have gotten all up in arms about all the rainbow logos at pride for companies that have nothing to do with that or even like You Um, you know, I'll just call them out Chick fil A putting up a rainbow logo.

Rich: Like, come on, you're not fooling anybody. Stop it. Um, and I think that's where like an Irish whiskey brand going green for St. Patrick's Day. Okay. I totally get it. It fits your, like, that's a solid brand fit. Um, but like a whiskey brand, like going all hearts and red for Valentine's Day. I have a lot of questions.

Rich: Like seems like that could go into a dangerous territory very fast. So maybe

Megan: that would be like a, I think, I think Facebook specifically has like the profile banner, like things where you can on your, um, profile picture where it's like a specific season, it'll like change for a week. Okay. Fine with that.

Megan: But if it's like a month long, two months long or it's a forever thing, I don't, that's not representing your brand in the best way. Yeah. I think I might be that outlier. I'm like, I just,

Catelin: I don't know. You hate them? I hate them.

Rich: Consistent and screw it.

Catelin: Yeah. I really, yeah. I don't know.

Rich: Yeah, I'm okay with it as long as it makes sense.

Rich: Um, if you're a gift giving kind of thing, you probably have more opportunities than others, but most brands would have maybe a one or a two season or time when they should really do that. And then it's, it can still go over the top.

Megan: This might be speaking my age, but, um, on TikTok, there's been a lot of like trends where brands will like, people will like, Redo the brand logo based off of what they think it should be.

Megan: Like, I think there's like this puppy that will do it. And I love that one. So every, every video that comes on of theirs, I'm like, Oh, let me see. And the brands will recreate or like put that, uh, the photo as their logo or, uh, the profile picture, like on Tik TOK and everyone in the comments is like, Oh my God, they actually did it.

Megan: So I think in those moments, like it's, it's using social media for that purpose of like fun, it's connecting with your audience. And it's used in a good way. So, I mean, I think that's kind of another example that could be a little bit more modern. Um, and like outside of the seasonal things where if it's, you know, connecting with your community for something that's kind of humorous.

Catelin: I don't understand TikTok. That's my only issue. I mean, I think

Rich: that you got to stay on trend with that, right? Because that will burn out fast and then people will be like, Oh, they're doing that thing that we were all doing last month. That's so last month. Um,

Catelin: I do want to meet this dog

Megan: who reads us logos.

Megan: Right. It's hard to send it in the Slack chat. I

Catelin: can't

Rich: wait. Did you have something else there, Caitlin? I was

Catelin: just going to say, sometimes it's hard, like to be, um, like on top of that stuff, you have to really be paying attention, which can also be challenging.

Rich: Well, and if you do it once, they expect it again and again, like if you're gonna be the fun brand You got to go all in and be the fun brand and that can be really hard.

Catelin: Yeah 100 percent I'm tired. Just thinking about it. Let's be honest. I know

Rich: I mean, it's also Thursday um . Okay, Megan, so I'm listening to this podcast. I have a brand and I'm realizing, oh crap, my social media branding sucks. I need to do something about it. , how do I improve it? What are my improvement tips?

Megan: Yeah, so just some, just some best practices, um, to keep in mind. Um, uh, this is kind of a pet peeve of mine, I guess, but like including your logo on all posts, especially. Like there's a time and a place if you want to make them re shareable for something that's going to be you know Like shared to a story or something I think it's appropriate to put your logo on, um, you know, like somewhere, but maybe don't make it like the biggest piece of attention.

Megan: But the brands who require, I think I just saw a TikTok video the other day where it's like, um, your upper manager was like, why are we putting logos on every post? And it's like, The post is supposed to feel not branded. It's not supposed to, or like, not branded, but like, not an ad. Like, it's supposed to connect more as something authentic.

Megan: So time and a place for, like, logo placement is a really easy way.

Rich: If your profile picture is your logo, it's right there to the left of the post. It is on every post, quite literally.

Megan: Yes.

Rich: So, yeah.

Megan: Um, and then, A lot of places when they will do like if you have an agency or someone do your brand, uh, do your branding, they'll usually give you a brand guidelines or like some sort of brand identity book.

Megan: So really reference that in order to kind of, you know, figure out what colors are, are, uh, Going to be my like go to colors if you have a canva There's a really easy way to like set up your brand palette and there's a lot of tools on like other things like if you use adobe express or Um other like we use xd and we always have our brand palette colors.

Megan: Yes Right to the left and so having those accessible and knowing kind of you know, what what the accessibility standards are for colors, so Um making sure that your text is legible You Or your graphics are legible on a certain background. That's gonna all be in your brand standards book. So, you don't really have to think about that too hard.

Megan: You just reference that, kind of, and then you start to learn and you just know it. Um, but then also, that kind of goes into, like, extending your brand guidelines to include a little bit more vibrant web colors. Your brand guidelines book isn't the end all be all. Like there's a little bit of flexibility.

Megan: That's again, like what social media is made for, but it's, it's with balance. It's maybe adding like one or two colors that release, like if you wanted to do a specific campaign on social and you wanted to brand it with, um, more of a like vibrant color that's in your color palette, that's fine in small usage.

Megan: So just kind of being like, Aware of the balance of those colors. Exactly. Intentional. Um, it's cause it's all about creating a recognizable look. Um,

Rich: setting all those defaults, right. And that makes life easier because then you won't screw it up because like, if you've got all your default set with your brand colors and you find yourself constantly tweaking the colors, you probably have a problem that's much bigger than your social media.

Rich: Um, So, yeah, I did notice Adobe Express just launched their new mobile app today. I got an email about that. So, I have not gone and looked in, but it looks like they're trying to be a Canva killer, maybe, with Adobe Express. Um, not 100 percent sure, but

Catelin: Canva's making money moves this year. That's unrelated to this discussion, but.

Rich: Yeah. Well, we're probably not going to dedicate a whole episode to Canada. Probably not. Jesse would quit. Um, he, I don't know, I would hope not,

Catelin: but maybe. Or he'd fire us. That's what it would happen. It'd be like, you may not be here any longer.

Megan: So, and then kind of like going beyond colors, brand fonts are also really important because, um.

Megan: Like once you have a specific brand look that they were intentional with that like font, um, for a reason. So using that is also a really easy way to kind of make your, your content, uh, uniform. And then also again, kind of more relating to the copywriting. Creating a unique and, uh, personable brand voice that represents your way, uh, your brand and engaging with your community in that way.

Megan: So either through like, likes, comments, reshares, um, kind of those things, because it's, your brand is a accumulation of all of these things, whether it's graphics, um, colors, like, The products you're selling, but then also, you know, your brand persona, the voice that you're putting out to these people. Um, and I guess just some like tips if you're going to be using, if you're going to be creating your own things beyond more of the best practices.

Megan: So, you know, if that's Canva, if you pick a template you like, rework it to make it match your brand standards. Don't just be like, okay, good. And a little vulnerable.

Rich: And so it's not like, Oh, they use this template on Canva, which sometimes reverse engineer.

Megan: Well, and it's like, especially, I mean, it might just be more designers, but if you see, like, once you see that template and then you see it, I'm like 20 other people's poster, like, Ooh, just, it doesn't hit the

Rich: same.

Rich: It's like stock photos. When you see that same stock photo everywhere, like, and you definitely don't want the, like, you know, STD poster to be Julie

Catelin: Tribiani.

Rich: Right, exactly. So I do have to just, um, go down one small tangent. So you said make your content uniform. And then I started thinking of content uniform, and now I want to have a uniform that Zach must wear developing content.

Rich: I think that that would be, uh, be hilarious. Um, sort of like the A71

Megan: leggings.

Rich: Ew. No, it could be the A71 leggings, probably not. No. Um, this is just, apparently this is just bust on Zach day. So. Um, Oh, good. That's really great stuff. So, um, Thank you, Megan, for coming and hanging out with us, uh, and talking through this.

Rich: It's fun that you just did a social audit. So you've kind of like the stuff is all fresh in your mind. Um, but for me, it looks like your biggest things are like, it doesn't really matter what tools you use. Just stick with your brand, define your brand, be consistent across platforms. Um, and just really understand what you look like, sound like, act like, and.

Rich: Keep that going like people have personalities brands of personalities and just make sure that that is There all over your audience.

Megan: Yeah, and I think just like a last tip like if you are really wanting Your agency because you feel really comfortable with them Infer about whether or not that they would help you like kind of figure out your social voice whether that's like with like pre made templates or like kind of helping you figure out what that Persona voice is gonna be like a lot of those people are are I already have, uh, processes that do that.

Megan: They can help you with, so reach out to your agency or like whoever did your branding to start with and see if even if you're

Rich: small, like, even if you're small, having a freelancer or a couple of freelancers, or even just a one time project with an agency to be like, Hey, I, you know, I don't have a ton of money.

Rich: I can't hire you on a retainer, but I really just want you to define all of this for me as a package. Most agencies would be more than happy to do that. And I know

Catelin: you would be more than happy to do that. I'd be

Rich: happy to do it. We would. We do, uh, we do project work all the time. Um, and we love branding and we love consistency.

Rich: So Megan would be the one just pulling all that together for you. All right. Well, thanks Megan. Um, good talking to you and we will hopefully see you again on another episode.

Catelin: That is it for another episode of Cocktails, Tangerines, and Answers. You can find our agency at antidote underscore 71 on all of the socials where Maggie is in charge of our brand consistency and she's doing a dang fine job of it.

Catelin: Uh, if you have questions you'd like to send our way, you can head to ctapodcast. live or to shoot us a message or. You can leave us a voicemail, please leave us a voicemail on our hotline 402 718 9971.

Rich: Yeah, we just keep begging. Just like, please tell

Catelin: me anything. Doesn't even have to be like a dirty little secret.

Rich: Yeah, and speaking of future episodes, um, our next one is coming up in a couple of weeks. Uh, since we do have these on in every two week schedule, like good people. Um, and it will be about the importance of a productive and comfortable workspace. So, um, Not talking with a Corona Rita. It will be a Corona Rita, um, which I'm sure actually, I think Jesse's probably had a Corona Rita at his workspace at one point, but kind of stepping outside of the marketing room.

Rich: Um, he's probably had a Corona at his workspace at one point and a Margarita at one point. I don't think he's done them together, but we'll have to check in. Um, we have a little bit, not

Catelin: at our, not at our desks though. Yeah, yeah, not on

Rich: desks, um, but stepping a little bit back into something a little bit, everybody can, uh, kind of join in with and understand we're not going to be marketing specific.

Rich: It's just really about how our space impacts us. Um, and why that's important. Um, so yeah, see you in two weeks with our Corona Rita's and our new topic.