Cocktails Tangents & Answers Episodes | Antidote 71

Dewgarita | Antidote 71

Written by Antidote 71 | Feb 2, 2023 10:30:00 AM

How To Market on a Budget

We all know that marketing is one of the most important success factors to any business. Marketing can be very difficult for small businesses due to lack of budget and knowledgeable staff. In this week's episode, we aimed to provide you with some great small-budget tactics that you can utilize to elevate your marketing efforts. 


This week's cocktail is based off of a drink our host Rich used to drink in college to save money. The Dewgarita.


  • 1.5 oz. tequila
  • 2 oz. midori
  • 2 oz. sour mix
  • .50 oz. lime juice
  • 1 oz. triple sec
  • 1 oz. Mountain Dew
  • Cocktail sugar


1.  Using a margarita glass, rub a cut lime over the edge, and rim the glass with cocktail sugar. 

2.  Fill a shaker with ice, and pour in your midori, tequila, sour mix, lime juice and fill it with ice. 

3.  Shake vigorously for around 30 seconds.

4. Pour shake over ice and top with Mountain Dew, stirring with a straw. 

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Episode Transcript

Rich:          All right. Today we are talking about marketing on a budget. I will tell you as an agency owner, it's words I don't necessarily like to hear.

Catelin:     Yeah. I have-

Rich:          We like big budgets.

Catelin:     I have some notes. I have some additional thoughts. So let's talk cocktail, which is appropriately themed and also, I can feel the heartburn.

Rich:          I have some issues with this one, and it is mildly inspired by something I said in an earlier episode talking about my margarita being in college we'll say, a cheap tequila and mountain dew because you've got sort of the lemon limey. You've got tequila.

Catelin:     Yep.

Rich:          And that's, it's affordable. But for this one, Zach actually found us something a little bit better, but-

Catelin:     Is it better?

Rich:          Maybe. I don't know. So we're going all the way to your local Red Lobster for this one, and God bless them and their Cheddar Bay biscuits. Those are wonderful.

Catelin:     I think I have a bootlegged recipe for Cheddar Bay biscuits that includes a like a Bisquick-

Rich:          Yeah. That makes sense.

Catelin:     ... situation and some shredded cheddar cheese on top

Rich:          Every time we try... So Costco or someplace sold the official Red Lobster brand in the box, and we tried them and they were just grease and goo. They just didn't work.

Catelin:     As opposed to what you get in the restaurant.

Rich:          Well, I mean, it's got a crisp outside in the restaurant. It's still a soft biscuit, but I love them. I used to go to Red Lobster. That used to be the very fancy place, but now we go other places, but we're talking about their DEWgarita, so we're just going to throw out all kinds of brand names we don't have rights to or anything in this one.

Catelin:     We look forward to receiving the cease and desist in the mail.

Rich:          Sure. Why not? Our attorney loves getting those. Why don't you share how this DEWgarita is made?

Catelin:     Why don't I? This is one and a half ounces of tequila, two ounces of Midori, two ounces of sour mix and a half ounce of lime juice. That's interesting.

Rich:          Seems like a waste of lime juice.

Catelin:     Sour sour mix is just lime with extra citric acid. So I already have some questions and then one ounce of triple sec. So shake all of that together.

Rich:          You forgot about the.... Oh no, nevermind. You're right.

Catelin:     Shake it. And then top with an ounce of Mountain Dew.

Rich:          Because if you shake the carbonated Mountain Dew, it's going to be a mess.

Catelin:     It'll just be sad, sadder.

Rich:          The official recipe does recommend that you rim the glass with some cocktail sugar.

Catelin:     As if the Mountain Dew wasn't providing enough sugar. Okay. I'm going to rescind my slight judgment of sour mix, because I'm going to guess that that also includes some sweetener. Does sour mix usually have a...?

Rich:          I don't think it does. I think the only sweet in this is triple sec, Midori has a little bit of sweet to it though.

Catelin:     Okay.

Rich:          It's got kind of that Jolly Rancher, watermelon candy taste.

Catelin:     Yeah, I can see. It's like fluorescent. I can see it.

Rich:          Well, and what's fun is if you remove two thirds of these ingredients, you've just got a Midori sour, which is a legit drink that people will get in bars to sound fancy. And it's like electric green, which is fun. But don't have too many of them though.

Catelin:     I don't like the idea of drinking fluorescent colored things. It makes my insides hurty. It's ouchie.

Rich:          So I have issues with Goldschläger.

Catelin:     Oh God.

Rich:          With the little flakes of gold in it, because we all know what happens to those.

Catelin:     I have full body goosebumps from the only time that I ever drank that and it didn't turn out well.

Rich:          Yeah. I don't mind the taste so much.

Catelin:     Oof.

Rich:          But the flakes of gold, it's just a weird vibe to be running gold through your digestive system and right back out.

Catelin:     Yeah, definitely not part of the normal breakdown in the...

Rich:          No, our bodies don't process gold. If you ingest it, it does not process, right up there with corn. You'll know you had it the night before if you know what I'm saying. And everybody does, I'm sure. Wow. That's a tangent.

Catelin:     Can I tell you, it just makes me think what... For my daughter's second birthday party, we ordered cookies from one of the local bakeries and they put glitter in the frosting, and we follow an 80/20 parenting rule, where 80% of the time we're like, "Eat a vegetable, follow the rules." But her birthday party day was a 20% day where we're like, "Fuck it, do whatever you want, baby. It's your day." And that girl ate so many glitter cookies that she pooped glitter the next day.

Rich:          Oh, I bet. Yeah. You can't process that.

Catelin:     It was hilarious and also a normal parenting thing to be like, "Wow, come look at this."

Rich:          You know what's going to happen? She's going to be in her fifties and get a colonoscopy and they're going to find glitter up in there.

Catelin:     It's very sparkly. Yeah.

Rich:          Yeah. It's like, "Oh, it's shiny up in here."

Catelin:     It sticks with you.

Rich:          Glitter. The herpes of the craft world. Yep. Once you've got it, it never goes away.

Catelin:     It's microplastic. Stop using glitter.

Rich:          Yeah.

Catelin:     Poisoning our waterways.

Rich:          Oh, it's just like the number of times you find glitter afterwards. Which I'm sure you were after those cookies. Just glitter was everywhere.

Catelin:     Yep. Yeah.

Rich:          Yeah. I had a diet once that was, well, it was supposed to be a lifestyle of eating. That was kind of the 80/20 rule.

Catelin:     Sure.

Rich:          It was for all of your meals except one day a week, it was a cheat day kind of concept, but you were really strict the other days. But it wasn't like a no carb thing. It was a low carb thing, slow carb thing. So beans were good, quinoa was good, rice is bad, cookies are bad. That kind of thing. But on your cheat day, you could have whatever you wanted to. And actually the example they give is you can eat a whole chocolate cake if you want to.

Catelin:     God, but like, so bad.

Rich:          Well, the idea also is, if you do that, you're not really going to want to ever do that again. I had super nachos from a little Mexican tienda, like taco stand, and they were probably 3000 calories, and I had those on Saturday. I didn't eat on Sunday at all. I didn't eat until Monday noon because I was just so bloated and full, and then I didn't want them again. So it worked.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          All right. Those were also cheap and good on a budget. So segue coming up.

Catelin:     Things I wouldn't do.

Rich:          All right. So I feel like maybe it's time for a little dance break and then we'll get into this and help people market on a budget.

Catelin:     I think so.

Rich:          All right. So our goal this episode is to give you some advice and tactics for small business owners, especially the very small business.

Catelin:     The smallest of the smalls.

Rich:          When you think, "Gosh, I'd love to hire an agency." But then you talk to them about the budget you would need, and you're like, even if it's not a lot, like $2,000 a month, which isn't a huge budget, sometimes that's just not manageable. And so there are some things you can do to be cost effective and implement easily. And I know Catelin, you own a small business as well.

Catelin:     The smallest of the small. Yes. That's me.

Rich:          Solopreneur photography studio.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          I have as well. And obviously we are a small business and do some of these things, not all, but yeah. So let's kind of jump into it. I think we've got five or six tactics. I forgot to count them.

Catelin:     I count six, but I have a bonus.

Rich:          3, 4, 5, 6.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          I see six here. So I think that, let's just jump into them.

Catelin:     Yeah. The first is getting involved in your community. And I think of this as networking where it's like it's so much easier to work with people that you know and trust. And when I was first starting out on the photography side of things, I wanted to be the first name that people thought of when it's like, "Oh, I need somebody to take my family photos this fall. I know Catelin takes pictures." So I was out, it was three or four nights a week where I had different events and networking, and I was out all the time, which at that time in my life worked really well. Not so much.

Rich:          This was way pre-baby,

Catelin:     Right? Yeah. It was like, gosh, probably like 2016, 2017, I was really pounding the pavement a lot. And that was volunteering, it was some networking, a lot of it was volunteer work.

Rich:          And I think with the volunteer work, it's making sure people know your company is volunteering. Yes, you are the company and you're there, but making sure the company name is attached to that.

Catelin:     Yeah. And as a single sole prop situation, it's a little bit different when you are your business that's a little bit different, but absolutely that your name and your name recognition is attached to whatever you're doing.

Rich:          And if there's two or three of you, even if you're family or whatever, going under and volunteering together, doing a trash pickup day that most cities have, or a park cleanup or beach cleanup and doing it as a group for the company. Get company t-shirts printed, you can do that really cheap online or find a really great local business.

Catelin:     Find a local place.

Rich:          There are lots of places that will do that. I know that you can go to RAYGUN shirts. They actually do third party printing for other people, and if you want to make it big, they do fulfillment as well.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          Something we should probably talk to them about our T-shirt shop, maybe moving it into there if it ever takes off. But yeah, so that's a great one. And I think that one dovetails into the second one really well.

Catelin:     So much so, being direct and asking for referrals, either through an email to your current customers, online. I like this suggestion at the bottom of your invoices. That's smart. That's really smart to be like, "Thank you so much for the money. If you thought that we did a great job, here's where you can tell us about it."

Rich:          Yeah, I've seen the ones that say something like, "Loved us? Tell a friend. Had any issues? Please tell us, we're always improving." That idea that we share the bad so often, but sharing that good is great, and most of the time we wait. So you're not going to proactively generally come to me and say, "Hey, I have this really great plumber." Because I'll be like, "I don't need a plumber. Thanks."

Catelin:     Right.

Rich:          But it's not a bad thing to do to say, "Hey, I had a really great experience." Because I might in the back of my mind, remember, "Oh yeah, I need a plumber."

Catelin:     Oh Catelin knows a plumber.

Rich:          "Catelin had a good experience. Who was that?" And I'll call Catelin and ask for the referral.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          Versus waiting 'til I'm telling a story about my toilet being stopped up and being like, "Well, if you'd have called me, here's the plumber you could have used."

Catelin:     Right. Yeah.

Rich:          They're really great. The bottom of invoices is a great one.

Catelin:     That is so smart.

Rich:          I think also, especially small businesses do a lot of email invoices and ideally even taking payments online or even by check. However, if you're emailing the invoice and you've got that email address, which you should, in this day and age, just put a note on your calendar to follow up after they pay to ask for a review, you can do that. You could also ask for a referral.

Catelin:     Or depending on what kind of invoicing and mass email situation you're utilizing, you could automate that really easily as well. I know inside of just the HubSpot starter subscription, you can set, in this many days, send an email. And it's not a real robust workflow, but there are certainly some easy automations or even just schedule send at the same time, inside of your mail client.

Rich:          In G-Mail, you can schedule send, which we keep trying to tell people.

Catelin:     Oh God, stop emailing me at 10:00 PM.

Rich:          Schedule that thing for 9 AM.

Catelin:     I am asleep.

Rich:          And most people don't expect you to respond, but it's still like, if you don't have your phone, I do not disturb, that ping comes through.

Catelin:     What? Is it a crisis?

Rich:          Pausing there for a second, and I know this isn't a HubSpot commercial, but you mentioned it.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          The HubSpot starter suite is actually one of the best values that I've seen.

Catelin:     Yeah, it's reasonable.

Rich:          So at the time we're recording this, and don't hold me to it, you can go to to find out, but it's 450 bucks a year. So you're talking less than 40 bucks a month.

Catelin:     I think mine shook out to be $50 a month. I think it's 540.

Rich:          Might be 540.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          So it's about 50 bucks a month. Oh, that's right. It's 50 bucks a month, but then you get a little discount, it comes to 540, blah, blah, blah.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          But still under 600 bucks, so under 50 bucks a month, and you get a little customer service portal that you can use.

Catelin:     It's the full suite of starter-

Rich:          You can put your website on there.

Catelin:     So it's content marketing, it's email, it's a CRM, you can invoice. There are some restrictions about the invoicing and payments, but there are some workarounds.

Rich:          There's some limitations, but it's a really good starter and better than nothing. So better than you keeping all your clients on a spreadsheet and managing stuff that way.

Catelin:     Yep.

Rich:          We see that actually, we do things with large companies that start using HubSpot, and we're like, "So are you importing from another CRM?" And they're like, "We have 42 spreadsheets."

Catelin:     We have an Excel spreadsheet with 1200 tabs. And that also makes my insides go squirmy.

Rich:          Especially since you can only import one tab at a time. So it's like separate spreadsheets are better than multiple tabs.

Catelin:     Great. That's going to take us four days.

Rich:          We'll bill for it, but it's a really good deal. And yeah, to Catelin's point, it does include your web hosting. You can put your website in there. I think you can go up to 50 pages now for a website.

Catelin:     I can't remember.

Rich:          If I remember right. The details are all there. But again, this isn't a commercial for them. They're not sponsoring this or anything, but they could.

Catelin:     Yeah, it's a bonus plug or a bonus tip.

Rich:          And I mean, if you're paying 20 bucks a month for something like MailChimp-

Catelin:     Stop doing that.

Rich:          Looking at just jumping that up for a little bit more per month with HubSpot is great. I'm actually trying to get my mom on there for her art business, and she's open.

Catelin:     Oh yeah.

Rich:          We just haven't connected. I haven't been up as much, so we haven't connected to actually make it happen. She likes to sit down in person to pull all that together.

Catelin:     That tracks.

Rich:          It's great. And I love seeing her, so I just haven't been up there that much. So I think that that's the biggest thing. And I think that to Catelin's point, you want to make it easy for yourself to ask for that referral, but also make it really easy for them. And so getting them on your newsletter, asking them to forward it to a friend, all of those things are super, super easy and technically free.

Catelin:     You just have to swallow your pride.

Rich:          Yeah.

Catelin:     That's where I struggle, where I'm like, "I'm just a garbage person. Nobody ever wants to work with me ever again. Okay, I'll be over here. Bye."

Rich:          Well, and early on, especially with something creative like photography, I know from experience, imposter syndrome is big and strong.

Catelin:     It's so big. Even after 12 years, I'm like, "Maybe I don't need to do that anymore."

Rich:          How long did it take you to call yourself a photographer? Actually take that capital P photographer title?

Catelin:     Yeah, probably five or six years-

Rich:          Yeah, it's crazy, isn't it?

Catelin:     ... of charging people money. Yeah.

Rich:          Yeah. You're taking pictures. People love them, you're charging money.

Catelin:     They continue.

Rich:          They come back.

Catelin:     Multiple people come back every year or multiple times a year.

Rich:          You've got a lot of babies you shoot as they grow up, which is really crazy. But yeah, that imposter syndrome can be a big thing. So swallow your pride.

Catelin:     It's okay. You're doing it. Step out a great job.

Rich:          Everybody's an imposter. Nobody knows what they're doing.

Catelin:     Nobody. Oh my gosh... Yeah, we don't have time for that today, but nobody knows. We're making it up as we go. It's fine. This is fine.

Rich:          All right, so let's move on to PR exposure. So you've generally got local press wherever you are, and there may be some that you don't know about. Some smaller press, a local magazine or I've seen a couple of independent newspapers pop up. There's one in Nebraska, one in Iowa that just popped up by some journalists from other places that kind of got together and said, "We really want to be this independent kind of voice of the news that's really just telling you what's happening and not editorializing as much." So those pop up, and honestly, they're looking for stories. Your local large paper is probably looking for stories or has a business section. So basically having something newsworthy you can share with them about your-

Catelin:     Sales or events or-

Rich:          Yep. Your people.

Catelin:     Even your people, human interest pieces of like, "Oh, it's a family business." Or "We've been here for 15 years and these are the..." Just tell your story.

Rich:          And then I think the other piece is traditional media definitely has a place, but go a little digital, bloggers, podcasters in your neighborhood.

Catelin:     Hi, we'd like to talk to you.

Rich:          You can absolutely find those places that are talking about what you love, play things you listen to that are local. I mean, I know that's how Zack works out some guest appearances here and for guest appearances for us, looking for those local podcasts. And he just reaches out because Zack's fearless and loves talking to people and says, "Hey, we've got a podcast. You can listen to it here." Gives them a couple of our maybe non E-rated podcasts.

Catelin:     They're getting harder and harder to come by.

Rich:          And then they listen. They're like, "Hey, I like your vibe. Yeah, I'd love to be on yours and you can be on mine." And it's that nice kind of flip yin and yang kind of thing. And promoting those things through your social media as well. Same thing with bloggers. I guarantee you whatever industry you're in, you've got a local blogger who's writing about it or somebody at least in the state or region level who needs an idea and would love for you to give them 50% of their next post.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          Absolutely. 100%.

Catelin:     Absolutely. This kind of goes back to asking for referrals. The folks that are willing to write a nice review or offer a referral, turn them into a brand advocate where if somebody likes your product or service, they would maybe be willing to share that with other people. So, something to consider.

Rich:          And one thing that I love, we're going to go back to HubSpot because we use it so much, is one of their lifecycle stages is evangelist. And so after customer, you can become an evangelist. It's sort of assumed you're also a customer, but you don't have to be, I could never buy from you, but love you and love what you do, and you've had a great enough reputation. I'm going to be that advocate and evangelist for you, entirely possible. If you've got somebody in your family who's just super outgoing and loves going to parties and talking to people...

Catelin:     Hand them a stack of business cards and set them loose.

Rich:          Make sure they know who you are and what you do. Really, really easy one. So next one, I think this is the fifth one, not counting the bonus HubSpot that we threw in there already. I love this one. So PPC advertising campaign. So paper per click, also known as Google Ads, Google search ads, doing SEO, which is search engine optimization for organic search on your own. I'm pretty sure we had an episode on that or two.

Catelin:     We did. We talked about that.

Rich:          A couple of them. I think we've talked about the good and the bad. I remember a black hat conversation happening.

Catelin:     Yes.

Rich:          It takes time and it takes expertise and you can learn it and whatnot, but the easiest way to get on that number one page of Google search results is to buy it. You just buy that ad at the top of the page. Sometimes those costs you as little as five or 6 cents a click. Sometimes they can be in the dollars or tens of dollars. I've seen some industries go up to like 50, $60, but those tend to be things that are high ticket, like plastic surgeons or vehicles, those types of things. And where there's a lot of competition. You might not have anybody bidding for your keywords. So Google has a really great set of resources that you can learn how to do your own pay per click really fast. They've got their own little training platform.

Catelin:     They also have folks that you can speak to. They'll assign you a rep depending on your spend level.

Rich:          Depending on your spend and your budget and how much you've got. But the self-help stuff is really great. And they do have a support system where you can file a ticket and ask for help, and they'll send you help. But honestly, if they think that you're going to be successful and they're going to make more money out of it, they will help you grow and make more money. Because that's what the business they're in.

Catelin:     Right? Yeah.

Rich:          So that's a great one. I mean, you can also try Facebook ads or Instagram ads. Again, there's training on those platforms, and you can get in for like 50 bucks a month, a hundred bucks a month. Generally, we say like $5 a day, $10 a day, so you're going to be in that 150 to $300 a month. But just pick one platform, do Facebook for a month, and if it works, do a little bit more on Facebook. If it doesn't work, try Instagram or try Google.

Catelin:     Well, and depending on your conversion rates like that, if you generate one really great sale from 50 or $75 worth of advertising, like that nets out really easily.

Rich:          Yeah. If you can get the positive ROI in it, then just continue to reinvest in it. And you'll find that spot where you plateau and aren't getting more for spending more. That's where you kind of hold that campaign and then move on to something else.

Catelin:     Yep.

Rich:          It's a really great and easy way to do it yourself with advertising. And yes, if you get into 15 campaigns, 20 campaigns, you're going to want an agency to manage that for you, because you'll full-time managing your Google Ads and you won't be doing any of your business, and you've got to run your business. You've got to sell and service and support. So you've got to watch that as well. So with that comes along, I think our last one that we've got on the sheets.

Catelin:     Yes. This is a big one. Creating in-depth, informative content. So turning what you know about your business into things that other people might want to know about your business, and making it relevant to what your customer might be interested in. It shows your expertise, and then also provides something of value to your audience.

Rich:          So what about your business do you know better than, not even anyone else, but most people, or most of your audience, write about it, do a quick video about it. Just get that out there and make sure that it's tagged right and you've got it in your social media and you're promoting it. Find those evangelists, ask them to share it.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          And you don't need to go viral either. You don't need 500,000 people seeing it. You probably need the right 50 people to see it, which is one of my things when people ask, they want to get us like, "We can get you 500 leads next month." "No thank you."

Catelin:     I want five leads and I want three of them to actually convert. It doesn't have to be huge.

Rich:          Yeah, I would take five and then three that show up for the meeting and one that converts. If we did that every month, we'd have 12 new clients, and that's a lot for us for growth in one year.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          So depending on your industry, I mean, obviously if you're in retail, you might want more volume.

Catelin:     It's a little bit different. Yeah,

Rich:          A little bit different, but plenty of things you can do there as well to bring those folks in. So those are some really great examples. But I think is there a double top secret bonus?

Catelin:     There's a super bonus one, and this would apply to folks that are maybe in that 1500 to $2,000 per month budget, where they have some money to spend on consulting with an agency, maybe for strategy or if it's some design work. Be strategic about utilizing those resources. So if you're coming to us and saying, "I want help with my strategy or my plan." And then we give you suggestions and you say, "No, not like that." Either you want the help or you don't. And so it's understanding that we're bringing a different perspective, but then also, as we're going through revision rounds, stop and think about what's valuable to you and make that more efficient. So the fewer rounds we do, the more your money will stretch. And so if you're in the consulting a professional stage, let us or whomever you're hiring, demonstrate their knowledge and their skills and then be open to suggestion.

Rich:          If you're hiring a professional, you're buying three things. You're buying their past experience, you're buying their expertise on the topic, in this case marketing, and you're buying their time. And so anytime that you can get as much of the first two with as little of the third as possible, the better off you'll be.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          And some of that is just breathing and understanding that and trusting. And that's something important. If you're going to contract with somebody or hire an agency, you got to hire somebody that you trust. If you don't trust them or they don't trust you, just move on. You need to be, neither one of you is going to be happy. Yeah, definitely just move on. But I think it's a good point. Sometimes you can make one investment up front. We do marketing plans for people.

Catelin:     And so that's what I was thinking, is even if it's just a content strategy where it's like, "You should be making this type of content, this many times per week or per month." And we're giving you kind of the bullet points of what you should be making, and then you are actually implementing and creating the content like, that's... Because I get so mired down and I don't know what people want to hear from me. Or you're so in the weeds about your business that you don't... It's really hard to pull back and say, "What about what I do is meaningful to other people?"

Rich:          Well, yeah. And we don't even, like, I, as the business owner, don't do our content plan. I don't do our topic plan. We have people internally who do that. Zack does a lot of it, and he reaches out to others internally to get ideas. And we do that for clients. So I think we've got a planning offering that we do. It's on our website. It generally runs about $6,000, but that's a soup to nuts complete marketing plan, take it or leave it, execute it with us, don't execute it with us. Here's what it would cost. There are components and pieces of that, to Catelin's point, if you wanted to break that out into, "I just want an organic social media plan or strategy for one year." Yeah, we can pull that together and it probably costs less than you're renting whatever facility you're renting, or the equivalent of a really fancy car payment. Probably not a used car off of a lot, but like a decent car payment, you're probably talking a thousand maybe, or a little bit more than that. Not thousands, not tens of thousands, that type of thing. And a lot of times when you're starting up your business and getting a loan perhaps to do that, a small business loan-

Catelin:     You could roll that in.

Rich:          ... if you grab just $5,000 for marketing, planning, and strategy, there are companies who can help you with that. And there are definitely consultants and contractors who can help you with that. And having that plan, just, like Catelin said, I don't have to think about, "Oh, what am I going to post this week? What am I going to put on my blog this week?" You go to the plan, you look at the list, you pull that up, there's probably sources there. Bam, bam, bam. Your stuff is out. And in an ideal world, you could even schedule all of your social media like a month in advance, and then just jump in when you've got an event or a cool photo or something like that and throw it out there. So yeah, that's a really, really great one.

Catelin:     Thank you so much.

Rich:          I love it.

Catelin:     I almost know what I'm talking about most of the time.

Rich:          You do know what you're talking about. So I think we ended up with, if you count Hub Spot, eight tips.

Catelin:     Eight. Wow. Two bonuses for you today.

Rich:          Yeah, the HubSpot starter suite, I'm just nervous they're going to increase the price on it at some point, and they will probably, everything goes up, but right now, it's honestly, it's just the best deal out there.

Catelin:     It really is.

Rich:          And I think, did you do it for your business? Yeah.

Catelin:     Yeah.

Rich:          So not only is she recommending it-

Catelin:     I use it.

Rich:          ... she's a customer. Most people will not get the Hair Club for Men joke that was in [inaudible 00:28:18].

Catelin:     Nope. I didn't.

Rich:          I'm not only a spokesperson, I'm a client. I am not, but that was an old, old ad. All right. I think maybe that's enough and we should bow out gracefully.

Catelin:     Hey. thanks for being here.

Rich:          Absolutely. Bye-bye. That's it for another episode of Cocktails, Tangents and Answers.

Catelin:     We hope it was as much fun to listen to as it was to make.

Rich:          You can find me on Twitter or Instagram at @richmackey. I try not to make it too difficult. It's just my name. And you can find our agency at Antidote underscore 71. That's A-N-T-I-D-O-T-E_71 on Twitter and Instagram as well.

Catelin:     And you can find me at home sipping a craft cocktail prepared by my in-home bartender. It's my husband.

Rich:          We'll be back with another episode every other week and a whole new cocktail recipe. Plenty more tangents and of course answers to those pressing marketing questions.

Catelin:     And if you'd like to send us a question, you can go to to send us an email.

Rich:          Or you can call our hotline at (402) 718-9971 and leave us a voicemail. Your questions might be used for future episodes of the podcast.

Catelin:     For now, like and subscribe and tune in next time.